Saturday, August 16, 2008

Alright already, I'll update!

Ok, so I know that I'm not the most diligent to this whole blog thing, but give it time. I just need to get into a routine with this and I will get a lot better. So, to give somewhat of an update on whats going on in my crazy life...
Carson has been moved to Granby, CO. Not going to lie, it pretty much rips my heart out, throws it in a blender, whips into mush, and then is handed back to me in a cup with a straw, not to be negative at all or anything. :) Its really hard, and whats harder for me is to admit to myself that I hurt this much because I care this much. Ah, the good old days when I did not give a care in the world....I don't think I'll ever go back. As much as I know it hurts, its ten times better once he is home, and that makes everything worth it.
Classes resume in just over a week, and I honestly cant believe the summer is over already. It really feels like I just ended, but at the same time that feels like a whole different life to me. Graduate school is going to be a completely different animal, and I'm not sure what kind of tool I'm going to have to use to tame this one.
With Carson being gone for weeks on end, I have been worried that I will get bored. But, leave it to me to completely overbook myself in order to avoid this. I ride horses for Helen Grahm in Idaho at least two nights a week till at least ten or eleven at night. This has been a blessing in more ways than one. First, I get to have something to do at night. Second, I'm learning a whole new discipline in riding, which is fun to cross over to what I already know. Third, its not really work when I'm asked to leg-up (means get into shape) champion horses. Seriously, its like riding a rocking chair. If I'm not riding her horses, I'm riding my own. LaMont (Carsons dad) has been kind enough to board my horse for me over here, so I'm there every night I'm not in Idaho. He even loaded up both our horses and took me over to Leathems Hollow for a ride one night. I have been really lucky to have all these things fall into place for me these past few months. And of course, cant forget the crazy obsession with running. I have another half marathon in a week, and I'm hoping for a 1:50:00 time this go-round.
I sit here at my desk, thinking about all the crazy things I have done this week, and I know this is the only chance in my life I'm going to have the time, energy, and passion to do it all. At some point, things are going to change and I will have to start giving up one thing at a time. But, until that happens, all I know how to do is go till I drop, go again, and again, and eventually be forced to stop. But until then, I will do only what I know best....turn your toes out, keep your hat down, and pray like hell you dont get bucked off.

1 comment:

The Campbell's said...

Pretty sure you are the spitting image of the original energizer bunny!