Friday, August 22, 2008

Race Day Looming

Tomorrow I once again join the ranks of what most people consider "crazy runners" and hope to achieve another PR in a half marathon. You know, its a strange thing, race day. Runners are the only people I know that get up before the sun, try to find a parking spot, and jump on a bus with dozens of others to hitch a ride to a starting point 13 miles away from thier cars, and willingly run back! I dont know many people that would walk a mile to thier cars, and here we are racing each other thirteen.
Yes, it sounds crazy, but at the same time, we keep coming back. I know I do, and I know that this being my last race of the season (at least until I find another one to register for) that I will probably push myself to the puking stage, and I hope to at least finish before said puking. Last year when I ran my first half marathon, I was averaging a 9:45 mile. This year, my top speed has been 8:11, and if I can maintain an 8:30 I'll be a happy girl.
One of the best things about running tomorrow morning? I get to carb load tonight!!

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