Friday, October 24, 2008

In Class...

So, I have been a teacher, but I'm also still a student working with other teachers who are students, and I realize that we are some of the worst students when we get together. In my class right now, there are four different students with computers, and not a one of us is lookng at our "notes" for class. What can I say? Its either that we know how to multitask, or we just dont care enough on a friday afternoon. For me, I'm going to say its a combination of both.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Snow Run

So its a typical saturday morning, laying in bed trying to figure out the best way to start my morning.
1. Lay around and be lazy till Carson and I meet up later.
2. Go ride my horse before the storm hits.
3. Go to the gym
4. Run a 5k race on a whim in the worst weather of the month.

And the winner is.... the race!! (Like any of you are suprised).
It started out as choice 1, I was laying in bed. I grabbed my laptop and was checking my mail, still under the covers mind you, and saw a headline that there was a 5k race on campus at 10 am. I had about a half hour to get there and get registered, so I booked it into town. The closer to campus I got, the worse the snow was. By the time I got there, it was snowing and blowing so hard I thought they were going to cancel. But, leave it to crazy runners to run a race!!
Needless to say, when I crossed the finish line my entire front was a sheet of ice and snow and my eyes were half frozen. But, I did take first in the womens with a time of 21:29, which is about a 6:50 mile. I think my motivation was to get out of the snow!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sky Diving Adventure

For all of you who never thought I would do it, and to all those who knew that I would, here are the pictures of this summers sky diving trip. This was probably one of the best things I have ever done! I did it back in June, so I know its been awhile but the pictures are still great. I went with friends Sydnee Housley, Matty Cavilla, Alan Day, Adam Young, and Wacey Cornia. I only have a few pictures from mine and Wacey's cameras, we were the only ones who had the video and pictures taken. But, here they are for all to enjoy.

This is my instructor, they called him the mad midget, but I think his name was Tommy. He was plenty short, but plenty of fun. Turns out, he was a farm boy from back in Ohio, and the whole plane ride we ended up talking ag. Leave it to the ag teacher to talk about the attributes of cattle while skydiving.

This is our group, Adam, Wacey, and the poor guy in the orange jump suit who looked liked he was ready to cry the whole time. We opted not to put on the goofy suits for our first jump since they were not required. The only reason they suggested them is so that our pants would not get dirty when we landed, and when your talking to people like Wacey and myself, thats the last thing on our minds.

Here is good ol Wacey, gotta love this kid. He is one of the last people you would think would dive, but he had a blast and wants to go again.