Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Alright Tami, I'm in.

♥ Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
♥ Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.

1. I love sleep, and will pretty much anything to get it when I want it. I know I have a tendency to be a frantic person who is always on the go. When I'm tired, nothing matters to me more than being able to shut my eyes for a few minutes. It does not have to be long, even ten minutes will do.

2. When I do go to bed at night, I have to have some kind of noise. Its usually an episode of Friends in the DVD player, but it can also be music or a movie. Otherwise I just lay in bed and think of things over and over again till I'm ready to shoot myself.

3. Despite my great love for sleep, I can honestly not remember the last time I slept all the way through the night without waking up at least once. It does not matter where I am, I always do it. I think the only time I have not was because of a pain pill, but then again, I never remember much when I have one of those.

4. I have houseplants, and I loved to take care of them. Right now I have probably ten or so. I would have more, but my little house is kind of restricting, and my roommate has a bunch of her own too. Between the two of us, there is probably at least twenty in the house, and I can honestly say I have not killed one yet!

5. I conduct any music that I'm listening too. Its easy for me to find a beat, and then I just count out the time. I think I get that from my dad, who claims to have no musical talent. But, all growing up I can remember him conducting Yanni in his truck. It drives Carson nuts when I do it, but it just gives me more motivation. :)

6. I am extremely conscious of the food that I eat every day. Some people call me a health freak, which is entirely possible. But, given the stomach issues that I have, its made my life a lot easier to do so. I track what grains, protein, fruits, vegs, and dairy I eat on a daily basis and plan my meals so that I have a balance of each every day. Yeah, I know, its weird. But, I don't have to throw up every day like I used to, so can you blame me?

So, the people I tag...Mom, Goober, Amber, Kim, Mindy, and Yvonne.
For those of you without a blog, email will suffice. :)


Kimberly said...

What?? I have to narrow it down to only 6? I should probably just ask my hubby--he could probably rattle them off.

Caitlin Brooke and Justin said...

You sound weird when you write on your blog... it's like I am reading my sister. MMMM... yeah, just weird.