Monday, October 26, 2009


Its been a heck of a summer and fall, and things have changed so much its kinda crazy, but I'm so glad for all of it. I moved back to Hooper in August, even though I hardly ever sleep there. I work in Salt Lake City now, something I swore I would never do again, but I love my job (most days) and am very glad for the teaching experience. I am teaching high school agriculture at Wheeler Farm for Granite School District, and my classes are equine science, veterinary assisting, and natural resource and wildlife management. Its not easy by any means, but the challenge is what drew me to the job. The parts of my job that I hate (and I do use the word "hate" because that is my true sentiment) is dealing with all of the administration. The school I work for itself is great, but its the local governments that I deal with that are causing me all of my stress. Literaly, it's the adults, not the kids. My kids are fantastic, and are having so much fun. Some of my students are asking for projects, extra time in class, and more classes to be offered. Thats not something that normally happens in public education, but that just shows the value of this program.

Carson is still out in Colorado, unfortunately, but he does take his test in December, so good luck to him on that! I get to see him plenty still, thankfully I no longer have to work weekends so I can spend as much time with him as I can. Luckily his parents are amazing and let me stay with them for the few days he gets to come home. The picture is from Founders Day in Wellsville, always a good time.