Monday, November 23, 2009

Fun at School

This past week was a blast at school, my students are absolutely amazing! We had a "Vet Assisting Competition" last week, with different stations and tasks to complete on different animals. My poor dogs were even included in the mess, but overall everyone seemed to have a good time. Thanks goes out to Jason, who came down to help herd the dogs for the morning.

The dogs had "embedded puncture wounds" that had to be treated. I used a belt buckle and wrapped it around thier bodies. It actually worked out beautifully.

The other stations included a broken leg on a goat, pictured here.

That same afternoon we had a FFA activity, and thanks go out to Dad for letting me borrow some traffic control devices. We had barrel racing, egg racing, monkey bike course, and roping. Again, my students are awesome.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Its been a heck of a summer and fall, and things have changed so much its kinda crazy, but I'm so glad for all of it. I moved back to Hooper in August, even though I hardly ever sleep there. I work in Salt Lake City now, something I swore I would never do again, but I love my job (most days) and am very glad for the teaching experience. I am teaching high school agriculture at Wheeler Farm for Granite School District, and my classes are equine science, veterinary assisting, and natural resource and wildlife management. Its not easy by any means, but the challenge is what drew me to the job. The parts of my job that I hate (and I do use the word "hate" because that is my true sentiment) is dealing with all of the administration. The school I work for itself is great, but its the local governments that I deal with that are causing me all of my stress. Literaly, it's the adults, not the kids. My kids are fantastic, and are having so much fun. Some of my students are asking for projects, extra time in class, and more classes to be offered. Thats not something that normally happens in public education, but that just shows the value of this program.

Carson is still out in Colorado, unfortunately, but he does take his test in December, so good luck to him on that! I get to see him plenty still, thankfully I no longer have to work weekends so I can spend as much time with him as I can. Luckily his parents are amazing and let me stay with them for the few days he gets to come home. The picture is from Founders Day in Wellsville, always a good time.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Quiet Sunday

Its a pretty mellow day up here in Cache Valley, and I blame the snow. Here it is, the end of April, and its snowing for the second day in a row. Granted, nothing is sticking, but its the principal of the thing. So, I have spent the day sleeping, baking cookies, and watching the orginal Pirates movie (which I still think is the best of the three).
Carson was home this weekend for a couple of days, and somehow he talked me into making something for dinner. Its not that I dont enjoy cooking, because I really do. The problem is, he can get kind of picky. My menu is generally pretty mellow, and somewhat boring to some people, and I'm concerned he cant handle my healthy way of cooking. But, I did make some ranch chicken and potatoes and he seemed to enjoy it, so maybe its not all bad. Now the deal is I make one meal a weekend when he is home. As many times as he takes me out for food, I can't complain about it too much.
The Jessops have also started a "Biggest Loser" contest, and yes I am entered. I don't think I need to lose any weight, but now that the running season is picking up, I'm going to lose a few pounds anyways. So, I figure I'll throw in my twenty bucks and see what happens.
Also been riding a lot more, thanks to the warmer weather. Bandit is still too young to be ridden, but any time he gets worked he does wonderfully. I'm hoping he will continue this good attitude until next spring when I put him under saddle for the first time.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Life is insane...

This week is full of ups, downs, and complete turnarounds. In a matter of five days, I have dealt with cops and my former roommates boyfriend, moved out in a matter of three hours, found a new place, gotten two new roommates and also a dog, and found out that my life is about to change completely in a matter of months. Its exciting and terrifying at the same time, to know that nothing will be the same.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas Project

For those of you who never thought it possible, I do have some domestic skills. I even used them this year to make a quilt for Carson! I was lucky that his mom saved all his old t-shirts from high school football, so I used them as patches in this quilt. Not going to lie, probably the most work I have put into any gift, but it was totally worth it. Big thanks go out to Yvonne and her blind stitch and Grandma Jessop and her frames and yarn.
Christmas was wonderful this year, thanks to everyone!!